Faction Labs stimulant free pump agent DISORDER® BULGE supports muscle function and energy production, improves memory, relieves fatigue and increases your muscle strength during high intensity exercise.
Maximize your training and never sacrifice what you could be for what you are, with Faction Labs DISORDER BULGE.
BULGE by Faction Labs is here to give you all the assistance you need while you’re trying to kill your next big PR, all without the stimulants. This potent vasodilator promises superior nutrient transport and nitric oxide production. Featuring a one or two scoop ingredient panel, BULGE contains a host of scientifically validated ingredients to help you achieve in the gym without feeling wired or restless come bed time. A blend of vasodilators, creatine for strength and added focus from Tyrosine to top it off.
When using BULGE we recommend taking the two scoop path to really maximize your endurance and pumps during your session. Taking pre-workout BULGE will assist with: